The Volcanoes of Guatemala

In the last week I had the chance to spend a night camping on the highest point of Central America. Volcán Tajumulco (4220m). It´s hot during the day hiking up and freezing cold at night. But you get rewarded by an incredible sunset and an even better sunrise. But before you dive into the videos and pictures let me give you a short overview of the Volcanoes of Guatemala.


In the middle, always attention seeking, Volcán de Fuego. With his 3763 meters it`s only the 5th highest in Guatemala, but for sure one of the most fascinating. It`s constant eruptions make it one of the most loved motives for pictures. The eruption you see in the Time lapse and the pictures was a bigger one, lasting for about 6 hours with tons of lava and smoke resulting in the evacuation of 100 near by residences and the closing down of an airport.

To it`s left you see the peaks of Volcán Acatenango (3976m) and Volcán de Agua (3760m) constantly covered in ash by their neighbor Fuego. Volcán Acatenango is also a very well known hiking goal for travelers based in Antigua. (See more in my Blog about this) These three volcanoes are named “The Antigua Volcanoes” since they tower around this beautiful old little town.


Farther off to the right in the pictures you spot 2 more high peaks standing close by. This group is called “The Lake volcanoes” since they are all located around Lake Atitlán. The highest of the peaks is Volcán Atitlán (3535m) with it`s direct neighbor Volcán Toliman (3158m). Also close by, but not visible on this picture, is Volcán San Pedro (3020m) which is located directly next to the wonderful little hippie town of San Pedro which is also worth a visit.

Only number 2

Sorry Tacaná, you are only the second highest point in Central America.

Finally far of to the right you see the Volcanoes of Quetzaltenango, second biggest city in Guatemala and my current home. The highest and most iconic of those is Santa María Volcano (3772m). It`s perfect stratovolcano shape and it`s very active neighbor Volcano Santiaguito (not in the picture) make it a wonderful day trip from Quetzaltenango. Slightly to the left of it is Almolonga Volcano (3197m).

Santiaguito showing off

Lucky us, two erupting volcanoes in one sunrise

I did this wonderful tour together with the Quetzaltrekkers. A 100% volunteers hiking organisation which collects enough money to completely fund a school for street kids and a home for kids with problems at home. The time not hiking the Quetzaltrekkers use their free time to raise money to send the kids to university. So if you happen to end up in Guatemala be sure to swing by and have an incredible Hike while helping out kids. Or having more time? Become a Guide!


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