A Hostel with pets is a better Hostel

More than 200 nights on the road. About 40 of those nights I spent Couchsurfing or at Friends houses, 30 in over night buses or at train stations. But the mayor part was spent in Hostels. Over 50 different hostels trough out north, central and south america.


So many hostels, so many nights… I wouldn`t have thought that. When I strapped my backpack on and headed out to explore, the plan was different. A lot of Couchsurfing it should be. Enjoy some of that hospitality I was giving over a hundred people in Munich. But on the way it turned out that I also really enjoy the Hostel life. Meeting people from all around the world and having the freedom to do what ever you want, when you want and with who you want. Don`t get me wrong, I love the Idea of couchsurfing, actually I´m couchsurfing while i´m writing this, but when I couchsurf I really want to commit my time to get to know my host and his friends, which is not always fitting with my or my hosts time plans. Also when you get a wonderful Hostel including roof terrace, pool and direct beach access for 5$ a night its easy to check into one. I had the chance to meet some of my nowadays best friends in hostels around central and south america. But still, the Hostels that really sticked to my mind are the ones where they have Hostel pets. Go get that morning hug from a always happy Rottweiler and fall asleep cuddling the baby cat. Because, come on, no one can hangout and chat and meet somebody new 24 hours a day. There are these moments where you are just the happiest person on earth, swinging in a hammock and giving the hostel cat a nice and good belly rub. Rainy day and rainy mood? No probs, Chaplin the hostel Dog has a few tricks that will brighten your mood in no time. Promised. Sure there are people who might say that there are hostels out there that have unfriendly guard dogs and everywhere peeing cats…. but I at least never was unlucky enough to stay in one of those hostels. I only got convinced one time after the other that a hostel with animals around is always a better hostel. Might it be a cat, a dog, a parrot, a lizard or one of each, ah come on two of each, I always immediately felt at home and happy at those places. Let me show you some pics of my favourite hostel animals and one of my favourite videos of one mood safer of a dog.

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